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Ep 105 - Xi's Aggressive Agenda: What it Means for the US - with Gordon Chang and MG John Kem

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Episode  ·  40:37  ·  Nov 21, 2022


#China's President Xi Jinping appears to be more emboldened to push his aggressive agenda aimed at military and economic dominance in the Pacific with an eye toward the entire globe. This comes on the heels of the CCP Chief's recent re-election to the aforementioned post. Will Xi try to overtake Taiwan? What do we make of his plans to replace the U.S. Dollar as the currency of choice for international oil transactions? What has President Xi learned about U.S. and Western leadership through their handling of the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Are we in the midst of a Cold War 2.0 with China?Project Sentinel President LTC Tony Shaffer, London Center for Policy Research Senior Fellow Gordon Chang (Author, "The Coming Collapse of China") and Major General John Kem explore these questions and break down how the U.S. needs to deal with a potentially more aggressive #CCP. Thank you for watching; please feel free to comment, share and subscribe. For exclusive content, sneak previews and access to our full Ask Us Anything Sessions (and future live virtual events) - please join our Patreon community: https://www.patreon.com/thoughttoaction OR - become a member of our Youtube channel by hitting the "Join" buttonThought to Action is presented by the London Center for Policy Research https://www.londoncenter.org​Argon Productions: https://www.argonproductions.com

40m 37s  ·  Nov 21, 2022

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