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EP 034: Simona Dharma Devi: Finding the Source of Your Power

The Always Becoming Podcast

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Episode  ·  38:50  ·  Sep 29, 2021


Get ready for an enlightening history lesson about the origins of ancient sacred dance. I first met Simona earlier in the year when I was on a search for something different. Some practice that incorporated mindfulness but was not your standard meditation practice or yoga practice. My husband was diagnosed with end stage liver disease and there were many times when it seemed we were going to lose him. I was filled with the intense, extremely uncomfortable, energy of fear, anxiety, even anger and I needed a way to release the energy and find peace with what was happening. Simona shares her knowledge of how sacred dance started, not as a form of entertainment, but as a way of uplifting the human soul, create healing and transformation. She shares how sacred dance is “a way to feel the connection to, what we call today, the Divine”. Simona is a true blessing in my life. Someone that I believe I was guided to by something much greater than myself. You can learn more about Simona, sacred dance, Kundilini Rhythms Dance, and even participate in her lessons by doing a YouTube search of “Simona Dharma Devi”. Here is a link to one of her Belly Dancing lessons: https://youtu.be/wgaZpLz2xrY Visit her website at www.simonayoga.life for so much more, to include “Goddess Yoga” Reach out to her directly through email: kundalinirhythmsdance@gmail.com or phone at 862-203-0082 Follow Simona on Instagram: dharma@kundalinirhythms Do you want to share your Becoming Story? Contact me at iam@alwaysbecomingpodcast.com Visit the website at www.alwaysbecomingpodcast.com And for daily words of wisdom to support you on your own Becoming Journey follow me on Instagram: becoming_with_drlynne

38m 50s  ·  Sep 29, 2021

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