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DJ Daisy and Calamity Gina Take on the World - Episode 11

DJ Daisy&Calamity Gina Take on the World

Episode   ·  148 Plays

Episode  ·  148 Plays  ·  1:48:52  ·  Sep 5, 2020


Season Two: With drinks in hand, DJ Daisy and Calamity Gina have entertaining discussions, open and unrestricted, about this week’s current events and just about anything else that comes up. It’s a lively show that you can chat or call in to participate. Their goal is to make you think, and maybe laugh your a** off. Buckle Up!‘Wildman Sam’ from SunflowerRadio.com's Party on the Patio knows these two well and openly says “I don’t think the world is ready for this.”Catch DJ Daisy and Calamity Gina Take on the World Tuesdays at 9:00 PM EST on SunflowerRadio.com.

1h 48m 52s  ·  Sep 5, 2020

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