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Binske with President Alex Pasternack

Blunt Business

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Episode  ·  27:47  ·  Sep 28, 2022


Binske with President and Co-Founder Alex Pasternack today on Blunt Business with Jorge Hermida only on The Cannabis Radio. Our next guest was recently named Business Executive of the Year at the 2022 Cannabis Business Awards. Along with brother Jake, their company has the most widely distributed cannabis brand in North America with 18 licensing deals in the U.S. and Canada.Green Market Report spoke with Alex about Binske earlier this year and spoke about their unique branding philosophy and non-plant-touching IP model that has made them so successful. They wrote: “We bring the intellectual property to a partner for them to exploit in a specific territory.” Currently selling 150-plus SKUs across six states – California, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, Michigan, and Washington – with licensing deals in six more states, Binske’s Intellectual Property (IP)-based strategy has paid off handsomely for the multistate operator with headquarters in Denver and Miami, and you said the best is yet to come.”

27m 47s  ·  Sep 28, 2022

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