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Bible Seeds: My Sheep Know My Voice

Understanding God's Word

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Episode  ·  13:20  ·  Dec 6, 2023


Bible Seeds: For thousands of years, shepherds who live In Israel or the Eastern part of that world, have brought their flocks of sheep into one centralized sheepfold, which is an enclosure made of stone, wood, or a combination of both. It has sturdy walls or fences that prevent the sheep from wandering off or being attacked by predators and keep the sheep safe at night or during bad weather. There are usually five or six dozen flocks of sheep from different shepherds gathered together in this one place and guarded by a gatekeeper who oversees the sheep behind locked doors or fences. In the morning the shepherds return and each calls his own sheep. Although the flocks have been mingled together, each flock knows its own shepherd's voice, and follows its own shepherd and will not follow any other.What about the statement Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice?” Why don’t we take that seriously? Keep in mind that God spoke to His people directly, even though there was some written scripture. And even through Revelation in our standard bibles! Those people heard God! The bible makes the point that God has not changed!Does that mean God talks to His people today? Yes! Those who put their faith in Him and listen will hear His voice. Jesus backs it up by saying at the last supper: John, Chapter 14: verse 26 & Chapter 16: verses 13-15

13m 20s  ·  Dec 6, 2023

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