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War Room - 2020-Jun 10, Wednesday - George Floyd Funeral Hoax Exposed By Empty Casket

War Room

Episode   ·  3 Plays

Episode  ·  3 Plays  ·  2:57:44  ·  Jun 10, 2020


America is rising up in the face of the Chinese, Globalist Democrat takeover, but it is desperate for a leader to take charge in this battle. Will it finally be President Trump? All the alarms are sounding off in America, but Americans continue to hit snooze. Savanah Hernandez joins in studio after attending a Black Lives Matter protest and asking protesters about police violence statistics, which they knew not of. Richard Reeves in back in studio with a quick update to the situation of getting Owen to speak at the Republican National Convention, but more so the issue of intelligence agencies in America not doing their jobs. Owen and crew are now convinced, George Floyd’s casket was empty the entire time.

2h 57m 44s  ·  Jun 10, 2020

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