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Trump's-Insurrection at The US Capitol

The Demise of The Trump Presidency

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Episode  ·  3:17:08  ·  Jan 7, 2021


The insurgence at the United States Capitol was inspired by President Donald Trump and his cronies.He has been spruing lies of the election was stolen when you only need to apply simple math. 306 is more that 232 electoral votes. In spite of the carnage, he still continues to spread hate for democracy and his desire to dictate his will not the will of the people and support the Constitution of the United States. You loss, the states have certified it, the courts have rebuked your senseless legal claims, the Supreme Court would not hear it, and finally with some objections by your cronies,the Congress has certified that Biden and Harris would assume the number 1&2 offices of the US.

3h 17m 8s  ·  Jan 7, 2021

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