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Sabbath and Sunday - These 2 Days aren't the Same and Here's Why

Chasing Hope with Katherine Abraham

Episode   ·  2 Plays

Episode  ·  2 Plays  ·  18:16  ·  Feb 18, 2021


Too busy to take a break?We are living in a non-stop world. We are too busy working to earn more money, fame and pleasure. We do not have time to rest.What does the Bible say about rest? Does God also rest?Yes, even God rests. He set aside a day to rest and He also asks us to stop and reflect. According to scripture, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.” Resting on the Sabbath day is part of God’s law.Tune in to learn more about this interesting topic in another episode of ‘Chasing Hope’ with Katherine Abraham. Find out which is the special day that God sanctified, in order for us to rest and meet with our Creator.

18m 16s  ·  Feb 18, 2021

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