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S3 Ep. 20 *SEASON 3 FINALE* "Maybe You Should Sound Like Ringo Starr"

The Burble

Episode   ·  5 Plays

Episode  ·  5 Plays  ·  1:39:16  ·  Jul 10, 2020


In our Season 3 finale Benny & Az discuss how the ABC attempt to beat up the game of Chess was ridiculous, Az is apparently an international smuggler of Milo, how no-one turned up to a Trump rally, James Blunt's on the blunts, Indian Call Centre Warrior, drunk Indian monkeys, how a bloke is suing a woman for giving him lip herpes, a new Steven Seagull film, how fruit is unappreciated in Schweinfurt, how both Benny & Az really don't care when "influencers" die, how a Perth bloke was denied entry to the pub for having a Mullet, we go back the Emergency Room with a bloke that held on for too long, how libraries are warning people to not microwave books, we FM Rock Radio child burns, how cooking sausage in a trailer park might get you a threat of a stabbed dick & how Ringo Starr busts a whole pub of illegal drinkers.Web: theburble.com.auFacebook: facebook.com/theburbleauTwitter: twitter.com/theburbleauBecome a supporter of The Burble: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-burble--3226026/support

1h 39m 16s  ·  Jul 10, 2020

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