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Lippy admits being wrong, Grumpy's Center Parc trip, pizza toppings and a dull top tip

Lippy & Grumpy do podcasting

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Episode  ·  37:02  ·  Jun 3, 2021


Lippy's moving boxes colour coding hasn't gone as well as she expected, much to the delight of Grumpy. Will she admit she was wrong though?We have a follow-up story from our firing bullets into the air piece a few weeks ago, involving a rugby match and a test shot from a nearby flat after gun cleaning.Grumpy has had a fun weekend at Center Parcs and was very impressed with the accommodation, including the bars of soap. Many adventures were had including fun with a smoke alarm and the devil's trike that was almost impossible to steer reliably. Grumpy was introduced to student drinking games and the phrase "all gong, no dinner".We both enjoyed the Friends reunion and have yet to see the Friday Night Dinner anniversary special, the last appearance of the late Paul RitterLippy is allegedly packing although only a quarter packed with just over a week to go. Grumpy isn't confident it will completed in time.Grumpy talks about pizza toppings, however immediately goes off on a tangent with a discussion about outdoor, portable pizza ovens. Lippy and Grumpy are split about pineapple and anchovies on pizzas (not together) and agree that they don't really like the tomato sauce topping, preferring a white sauce.Somehow we talk about out of date chilli oil and then the use by date on balsamic. Lippy is attempting to be gluten free, but not very hard, having been swayed by a brioche bun at a barbeque.Grumpy's Brussel sprout seedlings have been mauled whilst in the conservatory, the cause of which is a  mystery.Lippy has the dullest top tip yet and Grumpy has a car based fun fact. What a surprise.

37m 2s  ·  Jun 3, 2021

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