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Ep #1: Who's Driving Your ADHD Brain (and why it matters)

ADHD Self-Mastery: Customized Solutions for Your Unique Brain with Bonnie Mincu

Episode   ·  5 Plays

Episode  ·  5 Plays  ·  15:09  ·  Jul 27, 2021


As an adult with traits of ADD or ADHD, you may struggle with getting started, or doing what you intended to each day. Solutions for productivity or disorganization often don't work for you. To achieve self-mastery with ADHD, you need to develop customized strategies that address both the root cause and the trigger for your roadblocks. ADHD Coach Bonnie Mincu introduces the concept of your brain as a private bus, with eight different characters aboard. At any moment, any one of those characters could grab the steering wheel and drive your bus... perhaps wandering off-route, plowing into a ditch, or stalling the engine altogether. In this episode, you'll learn about a few of those characters, and why -- if you want to keep "Disorganized Derek" from grabbing the wheel, you'll need to identify which of the other characters goaded him into driving!

15m 9s  ·  Jul 27, 2021

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