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Dallas Jenkins: How did the Chosen Spread The Word?

Raising Unicorns: A Harmon Brothers Podcast

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Episode  ·  1:02:15  ·  Apr 26, 2022


This week Benton Crane talks with Dallas Jenkins, the creator of the hit tv show with a fresh take on the life of Christ. Racking up over a 100 million views, The Chosen has become extremely popular with a very unique business model. Instead of asking Hollywood’s permission, The Chosen earned millions of dollars from investors around the world excited to see this series come to life. In this episode, Dallas shares how they grabbed the world’s attention.You can find links for The Chosen and their social media below.Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share. Episodes published every Tuesday at 6 am EST. We’ll see you on the next one.The Chosen:https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen?gclid=CjwKCAjwjZmTBhB4EiwAynRmDyJKZMQafAayVUafttfU0YkO0vcQsAcmYSVH1_GQV-nUJ-W9vIN4PBoCtOIQAvD_BwE (Watch)https://www.facebook.com/InsideTheChosen/ (Facebook)

1h 2m 15s  ·  Apr 26, 2022

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