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Copyright vs Patent vs Trademark


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Episode  ·  6:40  ·  Dec 4, 2022


Although intellectual property theft has forever been an issue, it has never had the magnitude it does now. You've probably created a copyright if you've taken a picture, made a recording, or written a textual draft. If you own a small business,, you most likely qualify for trademark protection, and you may be eligible to patent a product if you create one. However, the same resources that make it simple to market on the internet also make it simpler than ever to commit theft. Plot within plot I.P., or intellectual property, is widespread, nearly no one who is not a lawyer is aware of how to safeguard their work of art, company, or product. So let us help you understand what's best for you. Want to know about Trademark, copyright and patent and the differences between them? Tune into the podcast of FunnTaxx where we simplify tax and finance related topics! P.S. - We are available on all platforms. Now you can also subscribe to our weekly newsletters and stay updated !!

6m 40s  ·  Dec 4, 2022

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