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Anatomy of a Mixtape

10 Albums: The Soundtrack of Your Life

Episode   ·  2 Plays

Episode  ·  2 Plays  ·  31:07  ·  Nov 30, 2020


As a precursor for the Quarantine Mixtape mini-series Glen and I discuss the art of making a mixtape and the choices between song placement, etc.We also bring up and delve into Columbia House Music Club (it was around in the 90s) where one could order 10 cassettes for 1 penny and then have to purchase 5 more at an inflated 'regular' price...it was a great way to expand your collection.We also bring up the chipmunks sounding 'high speed dubbing', trying to tape songs off the radio, top loading cassette recording devices and how the mixtape resurfaced in pop culture with Guardians of the Galaxy.Great episode! Lots of fun.

31m 7s  ·  Nov 30, 2020

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