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53: WHY we built the Lazy Money Machine

Lazy Money Machine

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Episode  ·  48:55  ·  Sep 18, 2020


In this episode we discuss how we have build the Lazy Money Machine business, how we do the content and how we wrote the book. We also discuss partnerships in business. Lastly how do we measure success: The impact have on people……and we read Walter's beautiful message.“Today is the first day of my freedom of time and financial independence. Thursday I had a beautiful farewell reception at the company and yesterday it was my last day at the office. It still feels awkward and I guess it will take a while before I get used to is. In two weeks time my wife and I will be traveling to Equador, Columbia, Panama and Costa Rica for 3 months. After that I’ll start looking for new goals in my life without losing the freedom of time. Thank you Erik & Graham for giving the insight for a new life-style. “

48m 55s  ·  Sep 18, 2020

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