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48. Hello from the other side / Atlanta x4

Genuinely Quirky Things

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  19:58  ·  Feb 23, 2021


How YOU doin?The weather has been either nice and spring-like or ICE COLD. BRRRRRRR. I am moving across town soon. I just deleted all my social media accounts (TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Linkedin) and talk about why. Talk includes the season of lent and my previous porn addiction. 5:09 to 9:26. By the way, if you delete social media they give you 30 days to change your mind. (This shocked my therapist too!)Here's the name of the vitamin I mention to help with psychological things like picking your fingers, it was recommended by a dermatologist! "N. Acetylcysteine" :pTopics start at 9:26! To when I slept in a cabin To when you go in a tall building Feel free to leave me any feedback about the show through this Google Form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScc-fVuK_8q-u7yn4ov-mR8DH2yRAcR0433UZj3Etxf1HoN3g/viewform?usp=sf_linkPlease head over to https://edccrate.com and use coupon code GQT15% if you are interested in buying something DISCLOSURE: GOING ON TANGENTS MAY OR MAY NOT BE INVOLVED; THIS SHOW IS CONVERSATIONALLY TRUE TO HOW I SPEAK.Please consider sending any comments or feedback you have through the contact page of my website johnmichaelcollins.com/contact. Lastly, go check out Cinema-Sonic.com!YOU ARE SUPER AWESOME, ENJOY!

19m 58s  ·  Feb 23, 2021

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