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25 Muscle memory workout for longevity

Fit Diet Podcast

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Episode  ·  18:31  ·  Oct 28, 2021


Listen to Greg Rando, Bobby Stein, and Miles Beccia to evaluate and identify areas that can be holding you back from focusing on Muscle Finder Method. Don't miss another episode of Fit Diet Podcast, subscribe today.If you'd like access to tactics, resources, and skills to help you take action on what is talked about, please visit https://www.mindmusclememory.com/Learn more by reviewing the article, https://www.mindmusclememory.com/conclusive-thing-anyone-over-50-should-do-for-muscle-memory/Key point: No matter where you exercise, your movement matters! Each movement creates a mind-muscle connection.A connection that occurs through the nervous system to teach your brain how you want movement patterns to occur. You’re building memories in your muscles.Every movement in the gym or at home is building a mind-to-muscle memory and establishing memory patterns.

18m 31s  ·  Oct 28, 2021

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