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15. Blepharitis (Dr. Ashley Brissette)

Blind Spot - The Eye Doctor's Podcast

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Episode  ·  17:46  ·  Nov 15, 2023


Blepharitis is a common diagnosis, but it’s also an umbrella term that encompasses many different clinical disorders which require varying treatment approaches. Many patients struggle with chronic blepharitis, where it’s tough to find an effective treatment. So what exactly is the best approach to blepharitis? How does one differentiate staph blepharitis from demodex? What are the most effective treatments on the market? And from a preventative standpoint, what exactly is lid hygiene, and is it something we should routinely be recommending to our patients? Dr. Ashley Brissette joins the podcast. Check out Dr. Brissette's Eye Care Products www.dailypractice.com Follow Dr. Brissette on Social Media Instagram @abrissettemd TikTok @abrissettemd

17m 46s  ·  Nov 15, 2023

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