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1383 - Sabbath School - 14.May.Sat

Believes Unasp - Sabbath School

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Episode  ·  7:02  ·  May 14, 2022


Read for This Week’s Study: Genesis 22, Heb. 11:17, Lev.18:21, John 1:1–3, Rom. 5:6–8, Genesis 23–25, Rom. 4:1–12.Memory Text: “Now Abraham was old, well advanced in age; andthe L ord had blessed Abraham in all things” (Genesis 24:1, NKJV).Finally, as God had promised, Sarah bore Abraham a son, “in hisold age” (Gen. 21:2), and he named the baby Isaac (see Gen.21:1–5). But the story of Abraham is far from over, reaching aclimactic moment when he took his son to Mount Moriah to be sacri-ficed. Isaac, however, is replaced by a ram (Gen. 22:13), which signi-fied God’s commitment to bless the nations through his “seed” (Gen.22:17, 18). That Seed, of course, was Jesus (Acts 13:23). Hence, in thisastonishing (and in some ways troubling) story, more of the plan ofsalvation is revealed.Whatever the deep spiritual lessons here, the family of Abraham,nevertheless, must have been shaken by it, and the future of Abrahamis not clear. Sarah dies after the sacrifice at Moriah (Genesis 23), andIsaac remains single.Abraham then takes the initiative to make sure that the “right” futurewill follow him. He arranges the marriage of his son to Rebekah(Genesis 24), who will give birth to two sons (Gen. 25:21–23), andAbraham himself marries Keturah, who will give him many children(Gen. 25:1–6). This week, we will follow Abraham to the end of hislife (Gen. 25:7–11).

7m 2s  ·  May 14, 2022

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