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12. Raising Leaders' Awareness of the People and Process Requirements of Leading Change

Ask Dr. Change

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Episode  ·  25:17  ·  Nov 13, 2023


Most leaders are rightfully focused on getting the best content solution designed and implemented to satisfy a need in the organization. However, this focus requires additional attention on how the stakeholders will be impacted and engaged, and how the change process is designed to ensure the best solution is generated, implemented, adopted and sustained. Many change consultants are not positioned to directly Influence leaders to expand their attention to strategic People and Process dynamics when leading initiatives. This podcast describes the types of attention needed and ways to reach these leaders so they begin to appreciate and take on influencing how people are affected and the change process is designed. Come learn how to get the attention of leaders to go beyond the content solution to set up their initiatives and stakeholders for success so they achieve sustained business benefits.  Guest Question – Margrete Eva – Change Leader  “How do I help leaders to see people and process (specially process) instead of just content?”  To watch the full video version of this podcast, please visit AskDrChange.com Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

25m 17s  ·  Nov 13, 2023

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