Tiger Heart Chats: Episode 26 - Sarah Ticho
Episode · 1 Play
Episode · 1 Play · 50:09 · May 13, 2022
This is the twenty sixth episode of the Tiger Heart Chats podcast featuring Tiger Heart CEO Sanj Surati and Founder & CEO of Hatsumi, Sarah Ticho. This podcast has been recorded in collaboration with ISE live in Barcelona on recorded on Thursday 12th May 2021. In this podcast, Sarah talks about her work with immersive technology in the health space and how the importance of creativity within the space is integral to ensuring that innovation occurs in a prosperous way.Some of the topics raised include: ISE - https://www.iseurope.orgHatsumi - https://www.hatsumivr.comHealth CareVirtual Realty Arts Fabrica Gallery - https://www.fabrica.org.ukFilm Mental Health Narrative University of South Wales - https://www.southwales.ac.ukBody Mapping - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BodyMapGoogle Tilt Brush - https://www.tiltbrush.comHospitals NHS - https://www.nhs.ukArts Council - https://www.artscouncil.org.ukImmerse UK - https://www.immerseuk.orgXR Health - https://www.xr.healthNHS X - https://www.nhsx.nhs.ukAR House - https://www.arhouse.laLucas Rizzotto - https://www.instagram.com/_lucasrizzotto/Snapchat - https://www.snapchat.com/en-GBNiantic - https://nianticlabs.com/en/Dojo Cat - https://www.instagram.com/dojacat/Fashion Vogue - https://www.vogue.comNike - https://www.nike.com/Mr Bongo - https://www.mrbongo.comAudio Walks Plus X - https://www.plus-ex.comAmelia Kallman - https://www.ameliakallman.comRefik Anadol - https://www.instagram.com/refikanadol/Places:JapanBrightonAustraliaThe Netherlands United KingdomHollywood HillsLos Angeles Advice:Think about how creativity can help people Focus on creating a language between different worlds Push to create communities Try to elevate people so that you can enable artists in new ways Value your life Support change Don’t take yourself seriously Allow yourself to enjoy it Have clear boundariesSarah Ticho Links:https://www.instagram.com/sirateeko/https://twitter.com/SarahTichowww.Xrhealthuk.orgSanj Surati & Tiger Heart: https://www.twitter.com/tigerhearttech/https://www.instagram.com/tigerhearttech/https://www.twitter.com/sanjsurati/https://www.instagram.com/artistryinsentiment/ You can listen to the Podcast on the following links:Apple: https://tinyurl.com/9czdh6waSpotify: https://tinyurl.com/yc3jxp5yAmazon Music: https://tinyurl.com/mr2e2ybwSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/tiger-heart-chatsDeezer: https://www.deezer.com/show/1048492Castbox: https://castbox.fm/channel/id2779314Podcast Addict: https://podplayer.net/?podId=2855948Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/tiger-heart-chats-1112186JioSaavn: https://www.jiosaavn.com/shows/Tiger-Heart-Chats\/1\/TJgps4JXdps_ Don't forget to share:#tigerheartchats https://www.tigerheartlondon.com Tiger Heart is an innovation agency that specialises in emerging technologies set up by Digital Atelier Sanj Surati. Sanj is an award winning multi-disciplined Digital Atelier with over twenty years of experience within the music, fashion and luxury industries. London-based Sanj has been working within digital and technology since 1998. He has seen the cultural shift in human habit and behaviour as we all evolve into digital consumers. Some of his successes have been burgeoning, ground breaking and, more importantly, culturally relevant.
50m 9s · May 13, 2022
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