This timely and heartwarming story explores the complexities of love, friendship, and family amidst the backdrop of a politically divided nation. Debut author Emily Locker’s YA (young adult) novel, Running Mates, follows Annabelle and Gabe, two teenagers from opposite sides of the political spectrum who find themselves falling in love. As they navigate their budding romance, they must also grapple with the challenges of bridging the political divide that separates their families and their town. "This book is a must-read for anyone who wants a dose of empathy in their summer," raves Parents Magazine, which included "Running Mates" in its 2024 Ultimate Summer Reading List for Teens and Tweens. Regis High School in New York City also recommends the book for summer reading, praising its portrayal of civil discourse and its relevance to today's polarized political climate.
11m 43s · Aug 13, 2024
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