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Living the Miracle & Discovering Your True Potential

GC 360

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Episode  ·  34:01  ·  Jun 7, 2023


Living the Miracle & Discovering Your True Potential. GC360 Season 4 Episode 6 Check out available services on https://www.gcnym.com. Use code GCNYM23 for 10% off media services. Located in Garden City, NY 11530. In this comprehensive discussion, Dr. Mike Berlin introduces the essence of his "Living the Miracle" coaching program, which centers on guiding individuals towards living authentically. Drawing on his 30-year experience as a holistic practitioner and life coach, Dr. Berlin emphasizes five vital life skills for transformation: intention setting, emotional ownership, self-love, forgiveness, present-moment awareness, and passionate self-expression. He delves into the accumulation of stress through misinterpreted experiences, influenced by hurt, guilt, shame, and fear. The impact of parents' negative input on forming one's inner voice is explored, and society's inclination towards control is highlighted. Ego, representing a false self, strives for power over others instead of cooperation. Stress emerges from attempts to dominate, resulting in conflict. To alleviate stress, Dr. Berlin suggests accepting the present, shunning blame, and identifying authentic desires. Rapid and lasting change is attainable through comprehending root causes and transforming oneself across various dimensions. The overarching goal is to liberate individuals from mistaken beliefs, fostering genuine connections and an authentic existence. MICHAEL BERLIN QUOTES "You can connect with an animal, you can connect with trees, you can connect with music" "I found five sacred life skills" "You said something not nice okay that's the truth blame is on who I'm holding responsible to fix it" About Michael Berlin Website : https://www.drmikeberlin.com/livingthemiracle Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/livingthemiraclewithdrmike/ #podcast #gc360 #nyc #true #podcastaddict #meditation ⁠

34m 1s  ·  Jun 7, 2023

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