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Exploring the benefits of Neurofeedback

GC 360

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Episode  ·  37:13  ·  Feb 15, 2023


Exploring the Benefits of Neurofeedback GC360 Season 3 Episode 3 Check out available services on https://www.gcnym.com. Use code GCNYM23 for 10% off media services. Located in Garden City, NY 11530. In this comprehensive overview of neurofeedback therapy, psychologist Sharon Grand from Wavelength Psychology delves into its transformative potential. Neurofeedback, a brain training technique, involves using EEG sensors during activities like watching movies to regulate brain activity. By creating new neural pathways, it addresses conditions ranging from ADHD and anxiety to trauma and insomnia. Neurofeedback complements traditional therapy and medication, yielding remarkable results such as transitioning from special education to regular classes or overcoming challenges like dyslexia. It fosters brain regulation, positively impacting sleep, focus, and emotional states, particularly in children and teenagers due to their heightened neuroplasticity. The therapy's non-invasive nature is underscored, making it accessible across various age groups. Notably, neurofeedback extends its benefits to individuals with mild traumatic brain injuries, helping mitigate unseen after-effects, especially in cases of concussions. Overall, neurofeedback's cutting-edge approach, facilitated by EEG technology, emerges as a promising avenue for enhancing brain function, emotional well-being, and the overall quality of life. SHARON GRAND QUOTES "I actually really like working with neurodiversity so I love working with ADHD" "Since COVID people have really started to take mental health a lot more seriously" "We're licensed mental health professionals we are always going to be monitoring what's happening" Follow Sharon Grand Website : https://www.wavelengthspsychology.com/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/WavelengthsPsychology Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wavelengths_psychology/ LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharongrand/ #podcast #gc360 #nyc #psychology #podcastaddict #mentalhealth

37m 13s  ·  Feb 15, 2023

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